AD Research Wiki:

Video Editing with Camtasia


  • (hereinafter referred to as render).
  • Login :Locally in room 051-03-22
  • Per Windows Remote Desktop Connection (RDC).
  • wake-up render: wakeonlan
  • shutdown render: shutdown -s -t 0 (in the command-line of render).
  • Login: adpult
  • Password: (the common one).
Typically, there is a camtasia file (avi) and a video file (mts) for a single lecture.

Copy avi and mts from the raid (\\atlantis\teaching) to render (for example, to E:\data\<course>\<lecture-X>\).


Camtasia doesn’t handle .mts Video files well, because it uses external Codec for it. So it is better to convert the .mts video to mp4 with any program of your choice like HandBrake for Linux or Windows Movie Maker for Windows I personally use ffpg tool because it’s faster. Here is a link for the tool: (todo) And here is a video tutorial showing how to use it:


title screen.mp4

Camtasia Studio 8.6

Basic controls

Ctrl+Mousewheel in the timeline: Zoom in/out the tracks.

Video Editing:

It consist of 4 main steps, for each one there will be a small description and a video tutorial

Import files:

First we need to import the 3 files we prepared earlier: .mp4 .avi .jpg By clicking on button Medien Importieren or by pressing (ctrl + i). Then drag each one to a track (Spur) to be able to edit it Media Import.mp4

Audio Synchronization:

Visual effects:

Fade in, fade out, Minimize and enlarge video:


Video production:

HD Render.mp4

AD Research Wiki: HowTos/VideoEditingCamtasia (last edited 2016-08-01 22:18:47 by Alexander Monneret)