#acl All:read Elmar Haussmann:read,write
[[BachelorAndMasterProjectsAndTheses|B.Sc. and M.Sc. projects and theses]]
[[ThesesGuidelines|Guidelines for M.Sc. and B.Sc. theses]]
[[OtherTalks|Andere Vorträge]]
== Winter Semester 2015/2016 ==
[[InformationRetrievalWS1516|Information Retrieval, WS 2015/2016]]
Evaluation results
== Summer Semester 2015 ==
[[AlgoDatSS2015|Informatik II: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, SS 2015]]
== Winter Semester 2014/2015 ==
Forschungssemester / Sabbatical Term
The course "Information Retrieval" will be offered again in the Winter Semester 2015/2016.
== Summer Semester 2014 ==
[[ProgrammierenCplusplusSS2014|Programmieren in C++, SS 2014]]
[[RandomizedAlgorithmsSS2014|Randomized Algorithms, SS 2014]]
== Winter Semester 2013/2014 ==
[[InformationRetrievalWS1314|Information Retrieval, WS 2013/2014]]
Evaluation results
[[InformationExtractionWS1314|Seminar: Information Extraction, WS 2013/2014]]
== Summer Semester 2013 ==
[[AlgoDatSS2013|Informatik II: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, SS 2013]]
[[ProgrammierenCplusplusEseSS2013|Programmieren in C++ (nur für ESE), SS 2013]]
== Winter Semester 2012/2013 ==
[[AlgoDatEseIemsWS1213|Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (ESE) / Entwurf, Analyse und Umsetzung von Algorithmen (IEMS), WS 2012/2013]]
[[InformationRetrievalWS1213|Information Retrieval, WS 2012/2013]]
Evaluation results
== Summer Semester 2012 ==
[[ProgrammierenCplusplusSS2012|Programmieren in C++, SS 2012]]
[[EfficientRoutePlanningSS2012|Efficient Route Planning, SS 2012]]
Evaluation results
== Winter Semester 2011/2012 ==
[[AlgoDatEseWS1112|Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (ESE), WS 2011/2012]]
[[EfficientNlpWS1112|Seminar: Efficient Natural Language Processing, WS 2011/2012]]
== Summer Semester 2011 ==
[[ProgrammierenCplusplusSS2011|Programmieren in C++, SS 2011]]
[[EfficientRoutePlanningSS2011|Efficient Route Planning, SS 2011]]
Evaluation results
== Previous semesters ==
[[AlgoDatEseWS1011|Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (ESE), WS 2010/2011]]
[[JavaVsCplusplusWS1011|Seminar: Java vs. C++, WS 2010/2011]]
[[ProgrammierenCplusplusSS2010|Programmieren in C++, SS 2010]]
[[SearchEnginesWS0910|Search Engines, WS 2009/2010]]